Death Cafe

Don't let the morbid theme put you off; think of this more like an Adams Family tea party than a funeral.

It is an open discussion on all matters related to death and dying - as well as life and living - at the ever engaging Morbid Anatomy Museum, the stylish HQ of Brooklyn's esoteric. Hosted by British poet and funeral celebrant in-training Louise de Winter, this will be firmly on the hip side of gothic with tea, cake and refreshments for the occasion. 

The concept of a Death Cafe began in the UK when Jon Underwood decided to create a space where people could raise awareness of death in order to help people make the most of their lives. Since 2011, there have been over 2,000 hosted all around the world. This will be the first Death Cafe at the Morbid Anatomy Museum, and the creative director is offering after hours tours to guests. 

Ideal For

A walk on the dark side

