My Perfect Day - Vicky Bhogal

Award-winning food writer Vicky Bhogal shares with U her favourite tips and hangout, giving U an insight into her ‘Perfect Day’.

How do you start your day?

I’m an early riser, so I get up at 5:30am to do an hour of meditation before anything else. It is the most important nutrition of my day! Then I work out at home for 45 minutes, before jumping in the shower ahead of my favourite meal – breakfast! I adore a good brekkie and am often known to have two! I love making it as creative as possible and cooking something bursting with flavour and healthy, like miso veggie soup, Indian omelettes on rye toast, a smoked salmon frittata, marinated tomatoes, ricotta and coriander on spelt or brown rice puffs with chia seeds, macadamias, almonds, pistachios and pomegranate with cashew milk. I swear on hot lemon tea to keep my digestive system and metabolism revved up. As my parents taught me, once I’ve eaten, only then I can start my day.

Leisurely lunch go to? 

I once famously spent the entire day at The Wolseley. Turned up for a leisurely breakfast and stayed there for lunch, afternoon tea, cocktails and dinner with different friends coming to meet me there at different times, which was superb fun! I love to spend a few hours for lunch at great food markets, sampling different ingredients, produce and street food, as I adore different flavours. With restaurants, La Petite Maison is a favourite.

Favourite way to pass the time in London? 

I am an avid people watcher, and London is the most fascinating place in the world for it, thanks to our gloriously eclectic diversity. I love to sit al fresco with a coffee or delicious cocktail, a notebook and pen for any musings that come my way, and enjoy soaking London up. I have always been very comfortable with eating or drinking alone and just enjoying my environment, and have made many new friends this way. I also love travelling by bus, as it is a great way to see the city. I always sit top deck to get a better view!

Favourite London landmarks, and why? 

Selfridges is special to me as it was the first place I saw in London when I came to visit at 13 years old, and it gave me such a rush of excitement. It was at that moment that I knew I just had to come to London at 18 for university. 20 years on, I still pop into Selfridges if I ever need perking up. I also adore the Thames and spend a lot of time on it on assorted boats (I love driving a speedboat!) or walking alongside it. I don’t think you’ve seen London until you have from the water. It is so evocative of the history from the days of the East India Trading Company, which ultimately created London and the British Empire. It is real London to me.

Tipple of choice and favourite cocktail hangout? 

I am a gin girl and am always looking for the best one possible, and adore Fevertree tonic. Gin and tonics have a long tradition of being created and enjoyed in India, and I often serve them with my spicy cooking instead of wine. I like drinking cocktails somewhere fun and relaxed with impeccable service, so have always enjoyed Mr Foggs Mayfair for their Passepartout, Duke’s for the quintessential martini, Artesian for champagne, sat at the bar at Dishoom King’s Cross for a gimlet, or my local Alice House on West End Lane for a summer shandy.

Favourite dining destinations, and why? 

Even though I write about and cook Indian food, I can’t get enough of it, so I love getting out and about to Indian restaurants too, there are so many new ones I can’t wait to try – Rola Wala, Jamavar, Gunpowder, Flora Indica and Lokhandwala to name a few – and I enjoy getting out to areas with Indian communities, like Southall, Wembley and Tooting to eat too. Otherwise I always have a lovely time at Chotto Matte, Foley’s and the upstairs café at Roti Chai in particular. For upscale dining, I think The Greenhouse in Mayfair is an absolute gem and a real must to experience. Arnaud Bignon’s cooking is nothing short of sublime.

Final stop for a nightcap, and why?

This usually ends up being either Berner’s Tavern or Quo Vadis Member’s Club for a perfectly made Negroni or sometimes a Tequila and Ginger Beer at Tonteria in Sloane Square for a cheeky boogie! Or a delicious glass of Pouilly-Fuissé on the sofa while watching Newsnight!

Rest hangover remedy?

Annoyingly for all my friends, I don’t really get hangovers. But on the rare occasion I feel a bit ropey, then a few fresh juices – watermelon is a favourite – and lots of good carb-based food tends to do the trick! A grilled version of the English fry up – with herby scrambled eggs, mustard and chive mushrooms pan-fried in butter, and parmesan crusted grilled tomatoes -  or Eggs Benedict is a go-to. I adore top quality authentic pizza as well and often create my own combinations of toppings – marinated aubergine, nduja and rocket is a favourite. And you can’t beat a day spent with a stash of newspapers, magazines and watching a good box set.

Where next on your travels? 

I’ve recently returned from my first trip to Japan and was enthralled, Kyoto was the highlight. I can’t wait to hopefully get back in November to visit the Japanese Alps and the beautiful islands. Next for me is to spend time this summer with my partner Piers in our gorgeous and magical new home in the Burgundian countryside in France, drinking delicious wine, cooking beautiful fresh food, haring about on a tractor and the perfect place to finish my first novel, On Violet Hill, which is all about making dreams come true.

Vicky Bhogal is an award-winning and best-selling author of 5 books, including her most recent, Cooking Like Mummyji, which unveils the long-guarded secrets of real Indian home cooking, published Oct 2016 by Grub Street by public demand and available in all good bookstores and online. She also enjoys design and being an entrepreneur – having created a £3.2m brand of chilled meals and is currently developing exciting new ideas – and is passionate about supporting good causes and helping others however she can.

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