Breakfast And Health Inspo

Comptoir 102 is hosting renowned wellness coach Tayyaba Jordan for a healthy breakfast talk on January 16.

Our favourite concept store-café is helping us all get our New Year health resolutions going with this one-off inspirational breakfast talk by London-based health and wellness coach themed: "From Stressed and Messed to Sexy and Sizzling - in five simple steps (without the fad diets)!”.

Tayyaba, whose work focuses on bespoke diet and and lifestyle programmes designed to achieve balance in a practical manner, will talk about healthy habits, time management, mindfulness, and consistency with health regimes. The event, which will take place in the charming venue's leafy garden, will include breakfast featuring some signature superfood dishes such as Crème Budwig (cottage cheese with budwig flax oil cream) and Amasake (a Japanese fermented rice drink).

The session is priced at AED 95 per person. 

Ideal For

Giving your New Year health resolutions a nudge

