Drawing inspiration from the global hit reality television show staring world-renowned Chef Gordon Ramsay, feel like you are on the studio set of Hell's Kitchen. Designed to be an immersive destination restaurant mimicing the set of the show, complete with “Red” and “Blue” “sides” to the dining room and a ”high action” open kitchen. Several of the most successful signature menu items and recipes feature on the television show and also on the restaurant's menu with items added as new episodes air. Hell’s Kitchen is Ramsay’s second Dubai restaurant as he currently operates Bread Street Kitchen at Atlantis, The Palm.
Starring role, TV-inspired
Oven roasted bone marrow with short rib marmalade, house pickles & garlic sourdough toast; pan seared scallops with sweet corn puree, braised bacon lardons & pickled shallots and beef wellington with potato puree, glazed root vegetables & red wine demi-glace.